Citing Crippling Manipulation, the Beginning To Finding the Way Out and Living Again

The underbelly of “gospel centeredness” unveiled for what it is.

An excellent step by step “how to” article by one of the most astute and prolific writers (and social media advocates) around the subject of hidden, toxic cover up cult(ures) and their (psychological) intent in christendom today, Wade Mullen.

And the many literal guerrilla tactics (many of which our family had witnessed and been through in more than one religious “family”) to be aware of in standing up to, surviving, escaping and gaining actual “gospel” freedom from the grip of “reformed” and or much of today’s evangelical toxic faith.

Excerpt –

“.. Fourth, and this should be obvious, but hopefully you haven’t given your followers any real power. Make sure you centralize all of that. Do your best to get people on your governing board who are loyal to you. Teach them the importance of loyalty and mutual trust.
As a result, a thick wall should exist between yourself and these accusations. This is called buffering. You’ll want to keep adding to this buffer. Then when a scandal breaks, few will believe such accusations. They won’t even consider whether the stories are true or not because they won’t be able to entertain the possibility that a person of your caliber would harbor such dark secrets. Certainly, your followers won’t believe them, and you have quite a lot of them.” – CM Leon

Many of these kinds of (CM Leon) behaviours can be found in many kinds of business organizations or societies but only the church with its leaders use the powerful influence of what they are supposedly founded on, “God’s word” – the Bible – as an “interpretive” weapon of choice for thought management and silencing against its own insiders who are observing that 2 + 2 does not equal 5 nor should it, and want to say something about the cognitive dissonance and abuse they may be experiencing on a regular basis.

This leaves churches vulnerable and filled with growing numbers of “in-line” celebrity cult(ure) followers with and through whom many of the tactics described in Wade Mullen’s article are endorsed and carried out. As the insatiable cravings for favoured member status amongst leadership reaches a fever pitch. Followers who then become the lemmings of HIS (the new supreme authority even as they overthrow one another through “church planting” schemes) abuse of power and control over dissenting voices in the ranks. Voices that threaten, put at risk or jeopardize the structure of their organizations impression on surrounding communities and paying customers that prop up this religious image critical to surviving damaging truths of a hidden internal culture of abuse and infighting. 🙄

And where is Jesus or His teachings in all this, one may ask? Nowhere to be found except waiting at the exit door with bandages, crutches and a new map to freedom from what He never intended, often through those who understand, have been there and found their way out with a stronger detoxed faith intact. ❤️

Many thanks to Wade Mullen, Julie Roys, Boz Tchividjian, the late Rachel Held Evans and many like them who without fear expose the hideous world of religious evangelical abuse, manipulation and abuses of power. From power imbalanced advantage, financial abusive coercive manipulation to sexual exploitation and blackmail.

#resistanceisNOTfutile 😊

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About Rory

Truth buried spawns the delusion of progress, then history repeats itself.Parking on and documenting issues, when church leaders and their compromised accomplices who too often dawn transparent blindfolds hope you just 'move on'. 😊 @dimreflectionz
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3 Responses to Citing Crippling Manipulation, the Beginning To Finding the Way Out and Living Again

  1. Rory says:

  2. Concerned Person says:

    Any idea what happened in the situation with Frederick Eaton and his removal from Christ City church?

    • Rory says:

      No idea as to why he is no longer featured on their church leadership website. Whether he was “removed” is for those close to the matter to determine and answer honestly.
      Needless to say, based on past history, it’s no surprise.
      After all a “pastor” is a “noble” (as they like to accentuate) yet dubious business, for some, that can only continue as a career when walled, enabled and protected within churches that are anything but transparent, truthful and Christcentric.
      Ask Stephen Smith, he’s a prolific insider who loves the praises of others he deems less than himself in church standing and follows Fred’s almost every move then prides himself in knowing everything that goes on while posturing as an innocent “humble”, uninvolved bystander, knowing nothing. He would definitely have his version of “the facts”.😊

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